instagram poem: she, voluptuary
poetry finalist
A poetry pal posted to the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets website that I was a finalist in a poetry contest. It was the first I’d heard. It’s the small encouragements that keep us going.
video poem: evergreen
We featured Sylvia Cavanaugh at our recent poetry reading in Green Bay, one of our inaugural poets at the new Lion’s Mouth Bookstore. She sent me an audio of one of her poems. I attempted to capture in a video poem.
video poems: xenolith & andromeda
Ever since the Spring 2019 Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets Conference when our keynote poet Heid E. Erdrich shared her video poems (despite the frustration of bad audio), the idea of learning how to add video to poems has been obsessing me. Here’s one of the poems Erdrich shared.
I researched possible platforms on and off since then. Finally, this past month I was in the headspace necessary to learn new technology — although I did close my computer in disgust a couple of times — only to return later calmer and more open to the process.
Here’s my first attempt. I experimented with one of my own poems, utilizing a combination of iphone and stock video.
Here’s my next attempt with a poet friend’s poem featured in the latest issue of Bramble Literary Magazine. I very much enjoyed combining moving pictures and poetry together and will continue to experiment.
instagram poem: tiger me ambition
The season of ditches
instagram poem: butteryellow froth
A line that came to me... like they do if you're *open*