p o e t r y
Published Poetry
Two of my erasures are out in the world with Two Hawks Quarterly. You reach a certain age, and you can start erasing yourself. Poetry in that.
”Writing Try Harder”
”Young Version of the Day’s Fluster”
Read poems here: https://twohawksquarterly.com/genre_x/2019/05/25/erasures-by-tori-grant-welhouse/
Poet Advocate
Tori is a regional VP with the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets (wfop.org) and coordinates poetry readings and other poetry events in the Green Bay/Northeast region. Learn more about events and area poets at the region's website www.houseofthetomato.com.
Arts education
Tori received her Bachelor's of Arts Degree in English with a Professional Emphasis from Carroll University, the "Pioneer College" of Wisconsin. She went on to receive her Master's of Fine Arts Degree from Antioch University's International Studies Program, studying in London, England, with poets, playwrights, novelists, essayists and Cambridge academics.
“In this lovely-ghastly world... we are all of us half-creating and half-discovering.”
Published in Issue 51.2.
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