Published Poetry

List Version

  1. “Hot Honey,” published in RED ROCK REVIEW, 51.2.

  2. “On the Other Side of the Door,” published in CLOUDBANK.

  3. “Craft Talk,” honorable mention 3RD WEDNESDAY Poetry Contest, Spring 2024.

  4. “Toss Well to Coat Evenly,” published by SILVER BIRCH PRESS, part of their Spices and Seasonings Series.

  5. “Haircut,” honorable mention HAL PRIZE 2021.

  6. “Seasons (Department of Rising),” published in HALF MYSTIC JOURNAL.

  7. “young:ber:ry,” published in SWEET: A LITERARY CONFECTION, 14.2.

  8. “Drive-Thru,” published in QUARTET, Fall 2021.

  9. “Deliberately Walking” and “Chaps”, published in MOSS PIGLET.

  10. “Season of Sun-Bleached Mandible,” published in PORTAGE MAGAZINE, 2021.

  11. “zig:zag” published in THE FOURTH RIVER, Spring 2021.

  12. “Haggis” and “Winkles & Whelks”, published in RIVER HERON REVIEW, 4.1.

  13. “Owl,” won runner-up to the PRINCEMERE PRIZE, 2020.

  14. “I Carry My Vessel from Water to Water,” published in TINY SEED LITERARY JOURNAL, August 2020.

  15. “Slow Boil,” published in CRAB CREEK REVIEW, Fall 2020.

  16. “Black Friday,” published in INTO THE VOID, Issue #16, 2020.

  17. VAGINAS NEED AIR, poetry chapbook, winner of ETCHINGS PRESS poetry chapbook contest, 2020.

  18. “Gender Bias” and “The Oak Trees Have Seen Everything,” published in THE WRITE LAUNCH, Issue 32, 2019.

  19. “Tickle Back,” published in UP NORTH LIT, Fall, 2019.

  20. “Where There’s Smoke,” published in ADANNA LITERARY REVIEW, Issue #8, 2019.

  21. “Goulash,” published in BARSTOW & GRAND, Issue #3, 2019.

  22. “Bra Burning,” published in CONCLAVE: JUSTIFYING THE MARGINS, 2019.

  23. “Bath Night,” published in STIRRING, Spring 2019, Issue 21, Ed. 2.

  24. STASHED: A PRIMER IN LUNCH POEMS, poetry chapbook, independently published, AMAZON, 2019.

  25. “Writing Try Harder” and “Young Version of the Day’s Fluster” (Erasures), published in TWO HAWKS QUARTERLY.

  26. “Never Doubt” and “Hunger of the Mind,” published in SPECTRAL LINES, a collection by Alternating Current, poems about scientists

  27. “Intuition,” “Sex,” and “Solitude,” published in 50/50: POETRY AND TRANSLATIONS BY WOMXN OVER 50, by Quill’s Edge Press

  28. “The Shortest Distance,” shared at the 3RD ANNUAL UNITY WALK

  29. "Melissopalynology," published in WISCONSIN POETS' CALENDAR 2019

  30. "A Luminous Kind of Pink," "Side-by-Side," and "Wild Asparagus," published in THE RAVENSPERCH June 2018

  31. "Scottish Husband," published in MAYDAY MAGAZINE Spring 2018

  32. "Sunsets are an Occasion," published in WISCONSIN POETS' CALENDAR 2018

  33. "Anniversary," published in SKY ISLAND JOURNAL, Fall 2017

  34. "Canoe," originally published in MINERVA RISING, Spring 2015, and anthologized in NEW POETRY FROM THE MIDWEST 2017

  35. "Dear Self at Thirty," published on ROAR: Literature & Revolution by Feminist People, May 2017

  36. "Surrender," published on HER HEART POETRY, March 2017

  37. "Endocrinologist," published in BLUE HERON REVIEW, Summer 2017

  38. "Your Boat is a Ladle," WISCONSIN POETS' CALENDAR 2017

  39. "How to Forget," "You Hear Me Coming" & "Heated Blanket" published in ARIEL ANTHOLOGY 2016

  40. "Flaming Pajamas," published in PASSAGER, Summer 2016

  41. "Buzzed by Snowmobiles," published in WISCONSIN POETS' CALENDAR 2016

  42. "Immovable," published in PORTAGE MAGAZINE, 2015

  43. "Spoons," published in MIDWEST PRAIRIE REVIEW, 2015

  44. "New World," published in PASSAGER, Winter 2015

  45. CANNED, poetry chapbook, FINISHING LINE PRESS, 2014

  46. "Omen" & "Botany," published in SPLIT ROCK REVIEW, Fall 2014

  47. "Morbid," honorable mention SPOON RIVER REVIEW Poetry Contest, 2014

  48. "Wind Chimes," 3rd place winner KAY SAUNDERS EMERGING POET AWARD, 2014

  49. "Cube Life," published in GLASSWORKS, Fall 2014

  50. "Eviscerate," "Febricity," & "Ginglymus," published in RIVET, November 2014

  51. "Lost Soda," published in BROAD!, Summer 2013

  52. "Declined," published in VERSE WISCONSIN, December 2013

  53. "Canned" & "Saltlick," published on ANDERBO, 2012

  54. "The Theory of Grass," published on MELUSINE, Spring/Summer 2011

  55. "Prayer" & "Cataract," published on LITERARY MAMA, 2011

  56. "The Theory of Cake," published in THE GREENSBORO REVIEW, Spring 2010

  57. "Hula" & "Reading Music," published on CHILDREN, CHURCHES & DADDIES, 2005

  58. "Frogs Singing," published on FIRST WRITER, 2004