Poet. Writer. Trier of New Things.
Tori lives and writes on a small, still pond in rural Wisconsin, just outside Green Bay.
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The Fergus
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YOUNG ADULT FICTION. In the mystical Highlands of Scotland, Rork, “the Fergus,” is grieving his beloved gran. One morning, he wakes with the ability to hear voices of the dead, leading him to a young banshee and a strange girl with green eyelashes. The three are bound together in a banshee tradition that pitches them into an otherworld adventure of before-death, after-death and in-between death.
Vaginas Need Air
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POETRY CHAPBOOK. A series of poems that explore and celebrate the love, rapport, and affinity found between mothers and daughters throughout the many stages of life. Her poems capture the relationship between the two in private moments with an impeccable sense of clarity and insight.
Poetry CHAPBooks
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“Everything’s a story. You are a story. I am a story.”
Published in Issue 51.2.
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