I lost my feisty mother on Black Friday. I can't believe she's gone. She had the end we all wish for. She died in her sleep in my father's arms after spending Thanksgiving with all us kids. She and my daughter were teasing each other back and forth. Remembering travel, vacations, a trip to Key West (which of course my father was "telling all wrong").
“The loss is immeasurable, but so is the love left behind.”
Dad, Me & Mom at My Wedding
What My Mother Knows
I watch my mother get ready to go out.
It's my favorite memory.
Her eyes meet mine in the mirror.
Her eyes are hazel
with blooms of gold around the dark pupils.
Every Friday night she makes space for my father.
She knows that love needs room and time
and a standing date.
She leaves us kids alone but not without
things to do.
She knows that independence needs
She considers an array of clothes
in her closet.
She likes to shop.
She knows that the world deserves
the very best version of herself.
She teaches us how to be the very best
versions of ourselves.