A Villanelle for the Kahler Sisters

villanelle, about a childhood memory I have wanted to write about for years.

A Villanelle for the Kahler Sisters


When summer nights were long with light

through my high bedroom window

dusk was a murmur on a hot summer night


windows open, listening through screens

to the old Kahler Sisters living behind us

when summer nights were long with light


what were their lives like these sisters to each other

on their screened in porch, they talked in low voices

they were just a low murmur on a hot summer night


What were their lives like in younger days?

One sister went strolling around the block

when summer days were long with light


she wore a mink coat in muggy July heat

wasn’t she hot as I ran sweaty with sun

she mumbled at us in the hot summer light


The Kahler sisters were transparent old

practically ghosts in their former selves

when the days and nights were long with light

they were just a low murmur, on a hot summer night.


Annette's major revision 01-02-2022, I made more minor edits here since I sent you the email verison.

Villanelle for the Kahler Sisters

 1When summer nights were long with light

2 through my open window flowed a mystery

3 as dusk drifted murmurs into fading night


4 windows open, before stars became bright

5 sat the old Kahler Sisters filled with their history

1 when summer nights were long with light


6 on their back porch did they mumble their plight

7 of growing old, brittle, and aging silvery

3 as dusk drifted their murmurs into fading night


8 how were their lives when they were sprite

9 did they marry or work, I don’t know their story

1 when summer nights were long with light


10 one sister wore her mink in July sunlight

11 I could not relate, feeling hot and blistery

3 when dusk drifted their murmurs into fading night


12 the sisters were pale, transparent-old, alright

13 ghosts of themselves in their season wintery

1 when summer nights were long with light

3 dusk drifted murmurs into fading night