I have not wirtten many dream poems, but I found this in my notepad on my phone from a couple years ago. Editied it into a poem. The title was accurate from that time period, (when I got canned) but not sure it fits the poem. Is this too simple of a dream poem? I know it’s a bit of a conflict here since you are the guest editor of dream poems ;-) (I found other dream notes in my note pad as well..more to write and ponder)
Every Morning I Wake from Bad Dreams
I’ve started a new job, one I don’t want.
I work in a big lobby at a desk
next to two other women who welcome me.
They don’t tell me what the job is,
I try to figure it out.
I look for training materials, organize my desk.
They are counting coins at their desks
but I don’t know what for, maybe an office pool.
There are dead flowers in a vase on my desk,
I toss them but drop petals on the rug of the lobby,
a young man vacuums up the petals.
I feel bad I made a mess, pushing a pile of petals together,
pick up what I can.
Suddenly I notice it’s 5:30 pm
no one is there, I leave,
can’t find my car going through several parking lots.
I wake, hot and miserable.