This is one of those weird memories; how i remember it now..…with more than one memory pressed together in my childhood bank of memory. That year when I couldn’t swallow..was it the same year as the “no dance lessons” decree? It seemed so… either way—it came together where I reveal my secrets. Tell me if it makes sense. Are there missing pieces of info?
But I Only Wanted Dance Lessons
Mother held fists full of tension
with perpetual hand wringing
made appointments on the phone
from the dark edge of her own abyss.
Tried to fix herself by fixing me
the year I couldn’t swallow
and had to chew and chew
until food was liquid
before it finally slid down my throat.
I asked for dance lessons on Wednesdays
She said, No
she didn’t have the time to drive me.
My friends were all shuffle-ball-change
tap, point, flex 2,3,4
in their patent leathers with cleats.
Instead, on Wednesdays I was driven
downtown to a dim office
where I sat on a couch
with a shrink (who eventually killed himself.)
I threw up on Sundays
got carsick on the drive across town
lost more weight
while the shrink prescribed
Librium for a ten-year-old
when all I really wanted
was to take dance lessons
wear a tiara, a tutu,
and tap shoes, all black and shiny.