This poem was inspired by the Rilke poem, from day 2 or 3 of the daily meditations. I posted the Rilke below also for reference.
Silent Foes of Many Distances
After Rainer Maria Rilke
Our fevered earth, wounded by UV light –
to those in charge heed this warning:
Tornadoes of fire engulf day and night
Winds of terror huff their storming.
Now, shift east to oceans out of control.
Hurricanes whip water with surge and flood,
homes and people lost, unable to console.
Darkness covers all like the lotus in mud.
Our planet convulses with what’s at stake.
Earth’s tragedies cannot go on like this,
the plates are shifting, unstable with quakes.
If earth cannot tolerate what we do,
we must bend to the brokenness of her ailing.
To those in charge: our healing is up to you.
Annette Langlois Grunseth
by Rainer Maria Rilke
English version by Stephen Mitchell
Original Language German
Silent friend of many distances, feel
how your breath enlarges all of space.
Let your presence ring out like a bell
into the night. What feeds upon your face
grows mighty from the nourishment thus offered.
Move through transformation, out and in.
What is the deepest loss that you have suffered?
If drinking is bitter, change yourself to wine.
In this immeasurable darkness, be the power
that rounds your senses in their magic ring,
the sense of their mysterious encounter.
And if the earthly no longer knows your name,
whisper to the silent earth: I'm flowing.
To the flashing water say: I am.